Title: Dark Halo (Angel Eyes Trilogy #3)
Author: Shannon Dittemore
Pages: 320
ISBN13: 9781401686390
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Release Date: August 20, 2013
My Rating: 5 Stars
*Book Synopsis*
::::One halo brought sight to Brielle. Another offers sweet relief from what she sees.
Brielle can't help but see the Celestial realm. Even without the halo, it's everywhere she looks. And with the heavens above Stratus ravaged by war, Brielle wishes for another gift, any gift. Because Jake is gone. The only boy she's ever loved has been taken by the demon, Damien--and she knows if she ever wants to see him again, she must fight.
But fighting is so hard when everything you see makes you afraid.
When she receives instructions from the Throne Room leading her to Jake, she unknowingly walks into a diabolical and heartbreaking trap. Then the Prince of Darkness himself offers Brielle a halo of his own making. With the dark halo, she won't have to see the fear and brokenness that surround her. She'll be free of that unbearable burden. And it comes with a promise: the guarantee of a life with Jake.
When confusing details about Jake's past emerge, and the battle above reaches a fever pitch, Brielle is forced to make a choice. Will she choose the dark halo and the ignorance that comes with it, or will she choose to live with her eyes wide open and trust the Creator's design--even if it means a future without Jake?
*My Review*
::::Well, the story is finally coming to a close. Book #3 of the Angel Eyes Trilogy ends our journey with Jake, Brielle. "Dark Halo" gives us once again a peek into "another" throne room, Satan's throne room where the Devil himself once finally appears and gives Brielle the opportunity to not see the celestial around her. We discover if she takes that chance or not. Will Brielle and Jake have a future together or be seperated forever. This story is an adventure through the supernatural and a story of love between people and God. I am so sad to see this story ending, I have really enjoyed this story unfold and how some of these characters have matured and changed for the better. For the better of God's glory. If the synopsis and my review have struck an interest in you I suggest you pick up a copy of "Dark Halo." I would suggest picking up "Angel Eyes" and "Broken Wings" so you know what is going on. This trilogy is definitely a keeper on my bookshelves and I hope that it is that for you as well.
Books #1 & #2 of the Angel Eyes Trilogy
You can purchase the Angel Eyes Trilogy here.
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About the Author
Dittemore is the author of the Angel Eyes Trilogy. She has an overactive
imagination and a passion for truth. Her lifelong journey to combine the two is
responsible for a stint at Portland Bible College, performances with local
theater companies, and a focus on youth and young adult ministry. When she
isn’t writing, she spends her days with her husband, Matt, imagining things
unseen and chasing their two children around their home in Northern California.
ANGEL EYES was Shannon’s debut novel and the launch of
a young adult supernatural trilogy. It was published in the summer of 2012 by Thomas Nelson. The sequel BROKEN WINGS hit shelves in
February, 2013 and the final novel in the trilogy, DARK HALO, is now available for purchase.
Author Websites
YA Bound Blog Tour Schedule click here.
THANK YOU, Alyssa! You have been such a fabulous support and I am so grateful to have you on the YA BOUND tour. *HUGS*