Sunday, November 22, 2015

REVIEW: Luther and Katharina by Jody Hedlund

About the Book

Katharina von Bora has seen nothing but the inside of cloister walls since she was five. In a daring escape, Katharina finds refuge with Martin Luther and seeks his help to pair her with the noble, wealthy husband she desires.

As class tensions and religious conflicts escalate toward the brink of war, Martin Luther believes that each day could be his last and determines he will never take a wife.
As the horrors of the bloody Peasant War break out around them, the proud Katharina and headstrong Martin Luther fight their own battle for true love, in one of the greatest love stories of history.

My Review

Luther and Katharina is yet another hit for Jody Hedlund. Luther and Katharina tells the love story of Martine Luther and his wife Katharina Von Bora. When they first meet Luther is still a monk and she a nun. Not long after Luther leaves the Catholic Church because of certain practices being done that were not biblical. Luther writes and nails the 95 Theses to door of the church, he has to hide for a time and eventually finds himself in front of the King and Cardinal. They ask hime to recant everything he has said and done. Luther refuses. I loved reading a fictional tale about Luther and his wife. It was a tale I had yet to read and it was very enjoyable.

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