Wednesday, January 6, 2016

REVIEW: The Bachelor Girl's Guide to Murder by Rachel McMillan

About the Book

In 1910 Toronto, while other bachelor girls perfect their domestic skills and find husbands, two friends perfect their sleuthing skills and find a murderer.

Inspired by their fascination with all things Sherlock Holmes, best friends and flatmates Merinda and Jem launch a consulting detective business. The deaths of young Irish women lead Merinda and Jem deeper into the mire of the city's underbelly, where the high hopes of those dreaming to make a new life in Canada are met with prejudice and squalor.

While searching for answers, donning disguises, and sneaking around where no proper ladies would ever go, they pair with Jasper Forth, a police constable, and Ray DeLuca, a reporter in whom Jem takes a more than professional interest. Merinda could well be Toronto's premiere consulting detective, and Jem may just find a way to put her bachelor girlhood behind her forever--if they can stay alive long enough to do so.

This cover is GORGEOUS, is it not?

My Review

So I first heard of this story over a year ago (I can't believe it's been that long already) when a friend of mine, I don't remember who, posted a comment on a photo of Rachel McMillan signing her book deal for a Sherlockian novel. The word Sherlockian was all it took for me to get excited for this story. And that story is now out in the world, well at least to those of us who got to read it early.

The Bachelor Girl's Guide to Murder set in 1910 Victorian Toronto, Canada is the story of amateur slueths Jem and Merinda who are on the trail for a serial killer who is targeting young Irish women. And along the way they run into a super swoony Italian reporter whom Jem has the hots for. Well, once you meet Ray DeLuca you'll understand why. Trust me. Also Jasper Forth comes into the picture. Jasper is a Police Constable.

The story balances mystery, romance, and wonderful sarcasm and dry humour. Even when reading a story about murder I don't want to be depressed the entire time. So those moments of laughter were well appreciated. I also have to applaud Rachel's flawless research/details on Victorian Toronto. It made me want to visit Toronto even more than I did before.

The Bachelor Girl's Guide to Murder gave me exactly what I wanted in a Sherlockian tale. I very much look forward to the next novella, "Of Dubious and Questionable Memory" coming in 2016 and "A Lesson in Love and Murder" coming October 2016.

Note:::I recieved an e-copy from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for my review.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed this one so, Alyssa. I'm highly anticipating reading this one in the next month - it promises to be amazing as evidenced by the plot (and its author) as well as the novella that came before it. :)


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